You know, know, right??

Blessing of the Backpacks

We do this thing, we get backpacks then fill them with school supplies.  
*whispers* I hear there's going to be ice cream involved....

We do this thing every year, although I've only seen one- I'm an ACC newbie,and it's pretty awesome.  *whispers* I hear there's going to be ice cream involved....  I don't know if any of you awesomamazing readers are local, but if you felt the urge to get an extra box of crayons, or paper, or folders...I'd be glad to swing by and pick them up to take to church!  

Of course, you are welcome to drop them off yourself  if you wanted, in the boxes at the entrances and in the Fellowship Hall!  *whispers* I hear there's going to be ice cream involved....

(i could watch ALL of these all the time.)

Paula reminds us that:

  • Blessing of the Backpacks will be a the 10:30 service on July 29 since school will start August 1.  *whispers* I hear there's going to be ice cream involved....
  • Due to the early starting of school, we are behind by about 2 weeks.


I hear there's going to be ice cream involved!!

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