a What?? a MESS!!!!!

*taps mic*



*taps mic again and leans in, hears feedback*

Um..  Hello!!!


*stands back, shrugs shoulders*

Ok, this is probably how it's going to be for a while but we'll grow it together alright?  I'll do the rambling and the musing and you can keep me in line or ask me questions or give me suggestions or even *gasp* show up to a Messy Church..that's going to be your job!  I have complete faith that this will evolve a beautiful relationship between you, me and God.  

That is the crux of the plan, the ultimate goal if you will.  Faith and God.  And in between there will be messes, a whole lotta messes if I have my way, and I hope to show you some of our beautiful messes and how we are finding our own relationships with God and possibly bringing others to see the love of Jesus Christ on our journey.  

With this blog I hope to share my journey in this great ministry at Avon Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that I completely fell in love with by complete accident.  Let me tell you a story... (i do that, stories..tangents...."ooh shiny"... you may as well know that now) My daughter was at rehearsal one night at church for a Disney musical that was being performed at the church, and I thought I'd wait for her by attending this "Messy Church" meeting.  I said to myself  "Self, I don't know what this is and it sounds weird, it's going to be led by the minister's husband..he's bringing this from England so it's probably gonna be weird.  Self, really...Messy and Church in the same WORD? Yeah? ok..America here mister, the only time we get messy at church is VBS..sort of" 

But then...  
*dramatic pause, looks at audience*...  
He pulled out a book...

                                *the heavens opened and a glorious light shone down* 

He opened the book...
*dramatic pause, looks at audience*...  
It was full of.....
*cue angles singing* 

 craft ideas....

*heavenly instruments start here*
feeding people (albeit BRITISH food ideas... jacket potatoes with BEANS? lamb burgers?  chicken korma? mash?)... 

*send in dancing cherubs, music to a crescendo then quiet* 

and all was right in the world. 

This.book.is.amazing. This.ministry.is.awesome.

I will be pulling a LOT from the books to discuss here and of course to figure our own messy way at ACC.  

The best? easiest? most concise? shortest way to answer "What is Messy Church?" would be -- A different way to do church, for those that don't want/can't attend a traditional Sunday service.  It's like VBS (themed sessions) , but not.  It is a controlled mess.  Part of the community.

I would like to see it integrated with not just kiddo crafts but with teen and grown-up crafts.  Or a time for those of us over 18-ish to enjoy time with each other while our kids PLAY at church.  I want all of us to learn something new from each session, make a new friend, leave with a lighter heart than when you came in.  Use Messy Church to get to know the "fun" members of the church *grins and winks*, your own way to be with God and the fellowship of others, an extension of an already solid church membership (at ACC or any other church) or to hang with some adults for a while while the kids play.  Remember that play is not just for the kids, we were young once too.  

EVERYONE is invited to Messy Church; kids, grand parents, parents, friends, neighbors, aunts, uncles, cousins, church goers, non church goers, members of other faiths, members of other churches, nieces, nephews, those without faith, those with grown children, those with no children.  You like crafting or cooking?  You like being with/have kids? You are welcome here.

I will post ideas, thoughts, schedules and such. 

Life is messy, lets be messy together!

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