All work and no play?? Pfft...
Sunday's sermon was especially great because of the video that was shown and it got me thinking (scary, very scary so stand back..) about age and fun.
Dr., Rev. Carolyn Scanlan-Holmes' a bouncy house/fun house thingy.. I'm so glad the video had sound, to hear their laughter at having (I hope they don't read blogs, she didn't get the OK from them to show it at shhhhhh!)
What really struck me was The Good Reverend Doctor saying..or is it Doctor Reverend?? Hmm..i have a question for her it seems...the opposite of play is depression. Really. Yeah, I totally get that. When I'm not happy what am I not doing? I'm not playing, I'm not doing ANYTHING fun..
We need more FUN in our lives, at EVERY age!! Laugh at yourself, laugh at your love, laugh at your kids, laugh at your parents, laugh at stupid stuff without worrying about what other people will think about what you're laughing at! You never know when just YOU laughing and having fun will brighten the day of some random stranger...or your bff.
There are ACTUAL health benefits of laughing:
1. Laughter boosts your immune system.
2. Laughter relieves pain.
3. Laughter improves your social life.
4. Laughter helps relieve depression.
5. Laughter boosts your relationship.
6.Laughter gives you a mini-work-out.
7. Laughter protects your heart.
8. Laughter lowers your blood pressure.
9. Laughter improves your breathing.
10. Laughter helps you lose weight.
Personally, there is NO better sound then my kids having a good old belly laugh, and that will lift my mood like nothing else!
It's Thursday night and I happened to be watching TV and what comes on??
Bettie White's Off Their Rockers
I hope I am this much fun at their age. My grandmothers love a good joke especially ones that were...uh...not for mixed company, they loved a dirty joke.. No one accused them of being prudish or puritanical! Thank goodness!! So I too, hope this much fun is in my DNA.
What makes you laugh?
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