I keep my eyes fixed on the SON!

August 18 at 4-6pm is our next Messy Church at ACC!!  

Come one, come all!  YOU ARE ALL INVITED!!!

In case you didn't know that, you are.  

every.one. of. you.  

This is not to get you to join our church on Sunday, this is not to get people in our doors for numbers.  We want you to come and experience the joys and love of Jesus in a VERY non-traditional way.  Not that there's anything wrong with traditional ways.  

With all the Christian Rock songs/bands out there, I get chills when we sing the old hymns.  I feel close to God and other Christians when we all observe the same things.  What I don’t like is when I feel out of place at a church.  When I’m uncomfortable being there for any number of reasons…too many people…they are all grouped together looking at me like I have a second head…they swarm on me like bee’s to honey. 

I don’t like feeling like I am being drawn into something cultish – “Please, come in. We are so glad you are here with us. We love you. We want you to be just.like.us.”….ermmm…..nothanks.  I don’t like feeling like I’m invisible that my being there is nothing  to be addressed because it’s obvious I won’t be back because I am different then they are. 

I’m usually hurried on Sunday mornings, coffee spilt on me somewhere (so although I smell like a mocha vanilla cookie, I’m stained) and yelling at reminding the kids to hurry up.   I’m doing good to have my son in matched clothes – he’s picky about the “feel” of his clothes so I usually don’t care as long as it’s clean, but I do like him to match on Sunday.  I attend without my husband so that also sets me apart.

I’m comfortable at Messy Church because NONE of these things matter.  Not that they do on Sunday either, but I feel they do. 

You’d better come in looking like you can get messy, no fancy frocks allowed – YOU WILL BE STAINED if you’re doing it right.  You go through each section at your own pace, or let the kids guide you through what they’d like to do!  We want you to be comfortable.  The only things we have memorized (and I’d better freshen up on these) are a Messy Church clap/chant to get your attention and the blessing before the meal. 

When you’re comfortable you are not on your guard for those StepfordChristians to surround you and put a chip in the back of your head.  They won’t be there, I don’t think they like messes.  When you’re comfortable you are able to see the love of Jesus shining through everyone around you….or at least I do, but then I can hear God speaking in rock songs if I’m paying attention (no, the men in white coats aren’t coming for me…), not in a burning bush kinda way but the words He wants me to hear at that moment. 

“Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there also.”  Matthew 18:20.  His life was not all neat and tidy…talk about MESSY…  He wants to be around us when we are coffee stained and um…urging…our children to walk faster because mommy wanted 10 more minutes of sleep, when our clothes don’t match, and when those we love don’t believe what we do.  ß I think He loves them too…but that’s just me…

I’ll tell ya…finding a place that takes all that mess that is me, giving me a place to feel loved and welcome (without brain chips) and has !!!!GLITTER!!!!- yeah- God is there with us doing His thing in His time how He wants.

Too old??

All work and no play??  Pfft...

Sunday's sermon was especially great because of the video that was shown and it got me thinking (scary, very scary so stand back..) about age and fun.

Dr., Rev. Carolyn Scanlan-Holmes' parents..in a bouncy house/fun house thingy..  I'm so glad the video had sound, to hear their laughter at having such.pure.joy.  (I hope they don't read blogs, she didn't get the OK from them to show it at church...so shhhhhh!)

What really struck me was The Good Reverend Doctor saying..or is it Doctor Reverend??  Hmm..i have a question for her it seems...the opposite of play is depression.  Really.  Yeah, I totally get that.  When I'm not happy what am I not doing?  I'm not playing, I'm not doing ANYTHING fun..  

We need more FUN in our lives, at EVERY age!!  Laugh at yourself, laugh at your love, laugh at your kids, laugh at your parents, laugh at stupid stuff without worrying about what other people will think about what you're laughing at!  You never know when just YOU laughing and having fun will brighten the day of some random stranger...or your bff.  

There are ACTUAL health benefits of laughing:

     1. Laughter boosts your immune system.

     2. Laughter relieves pain.

     3. Laughter improves your social life.

     4. Laughter helps relieve depression.

     5. Laughter boosts your relationship.

     6.Laughter gives you a mini-work-out.

     7. Laughter protects your heart.

     8. Laughter lowers your blood pressure.

     9. Laughter improves your breathing.

     10. Laughter helps you lose weight.

Personally, there is NO better sound then my kids having a good old belly laugh, and that will lift my mood like nothing else!

It's Thursday night and I happened to be watching TV and what comes on??

Bettie White's Off Their Rockers

I  hope I am this much fun at their age.  My grandmothers love a good joke especially ones that were...uh...not for mixed company, they loved a dirty joke..  No one accused them of being prudish or puritanical!  Thank goodness!!  So I too, hope this much fun is in my DNA.

What makes you laugh?

You know, BOTB....you know, right??

Blessing of the Backpacks

We do this thing, we get backpacks then fill them with school supplies.  
*whispers* I hear there's going to be ice cream involved....

We do this thing every year, although I've only seen one- I'm an ACC newbie,and it's pretty awesome.  *whispers* I hear there's going to be ice cream involved....  I don't know if any of you awesomamazing readers are local, but if you felt the urge to get an extra box of crayons, or paper, or folders...I'd be glad to swing by and pick them up to take to church!  

Of course, you are welcome to drop them off yourself  if you wanted, in the boxes at the entrances and in the Fellowship Hall!  *whispers* I hear there's going to be ice cream involved....

(i could watch ALL of these all the time.)

Paula reminds us that:

  • Blessing of the Backpacks will be a the 10:30 service on July 29 since school will start August 1.  *whispers* I hear there's going to be ice cream involved....
  • Due to the early starting of school, we are behind by about 2 weeks.


I hear there's going to be ice cream involved!!

A time to play and a time to.....play

This morning's sermon spoke to me, I love it when they do that, but really why wouldn't it?  I could be attuned to anything that would work with the Messy Church Ministry, and that's ok too. 

Dare to have fun at church.  

Be childlike in your faith.

After the Children's Moment and they went back to Worship and Wonder, the adults sang...

I can't tell you the last time I heard this, let alone SANG it!  

Really, we do this.  We "outgrow" playing to learn in favor of (well, forcibly! lol) book learning. I couldn't WAIT to grow up, to be "counted".  I see that in my daughter now, and I see myself helping this along "not now", "be still", "shhhhh".   A time and a place for everything yes, but I hear myself say these things when I could be joining them!  How can we as a community slow this or stop it?  

I think Messy Church can do this for many families.  
I think it can help the adults let the kids be kids and learn through play. 
I think it can remind the grown ups how much fun playing can be!!! 
I think it will remind us how much we can learn about ourselves while playing and what WE can learn about/from our children while watching them play.

To let them get messy.  Do you remember finger painting? How freeing that was!  Jumping rope, singing a well loved song that EVERYONE  is singing...and if you want to top it off, we are singing it in a round!  Glue and glitter should be involved somewhere.  Some sand, yes...some colored sand.

How can we get the teenagers to remember this is fun, how can we let the kiddos do for themselves and get messy, and how can we integrate age appropriate crafts for adults?  

Psalm 100

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
    Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God. 
    It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving 
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name. 
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; 
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.

We also sang this...complete with movements...  Great thing, a whole congregation clapping and stomping together.  We were all grinning like happy children!

Lets all get our hands dirty, get down on the floor with our tweens and teens and remember that we don't have to stay "clean" and neat and tidy.  Sometimes to learn what is in our hearts, or being put on it, we have to play and be messy..  

a What?? a MESS!!!!!

*taps mic*



*taps mic again and leans in, hears feedback*

Um..  Hello!!!


*stands back, shrugs shoulders*

Ok, this is probably how it's going to be for a while but we'll grow it together alright?  I'll do the rambling and the musing and you can keep me in line or ask me questions or give me suggestions or even *gasp* show up to a Messy Church..that's going to be your job!  I have complete faith that this will evolve a beautiful relationship between you, me and God.  

That is the crux of the plan, the ultimate goal if you will.  Faith and God.  And in between there will be messes, a whole lotta messes if I have my way, and I hope to show you some of our beautiful messes and how we are finding our own relationships with God and possibly bringing others to see the love of Jesus Christ on our journey.  

With this blog I hope to share my journey in this great ministry at Avon Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that I completely fell in love with by complete accident.  Let me tell you a story... (i do that, stories..tangents...."ooh shiny"... you may as well know that now) My daughter was at rehearsal one night at church for a Disney musical that was being performed at the church, and I thought I'd wait for her by attending this "Messy Church" meeting.  I said to myself  "Self, I don't know what this is and it sounds weird, it's going to be led by the minister's husband..he's bringing this from England so it's probably gonna be weird.  Self, really...Messy and Church in the same WORD? Yeah? ok..America here mister, the only time we get messy at church is VBS..sort of" 

But then...  
*dramatic pause, looks at audience*...  
He pulled out a book...

                                *the heavens opened and a glorious light shone down* 

He opened the book...
*dramatic pause, looks at audience*...  
It was full of.....
*cue angles singing* 

 craft ideas....

*heavenly instruments start here*
feeding people (albeit BRITISH food ideas... jacket potatoes with BEANS? lamb burgers?  chicken korma? mash?)... 

*send in dancing cherubs, music to a crescendo then quiet* 

and all was right in the world. 

This.book.is.amazing. This.ministry.is.awesome.

I will be pulling a LOT from the books to discuss here and of course to figure our own messy way at ACC.  

The best? easiest? most concise? shortest way to answer "What is Messy Church?" would be -- A different way to do church, for those that don't want/can't attend a traditional Sunday service.  It's like VBS (themed sessions) , but not.  It is a controlled mess.  Part of the community.

I would like to see it integrated with not just kiddo crafts but with teen and grown-up crafts.  Or a time for those of us over 18-ish to enjoy time with each other while our kids PLAY at church.  I want all of us to learn something new from each session, make a new friend, leave with a lighter heart than when you came in.  Use Messy Church to get to know the "fun" members of the church *grins and winks*, your own way to be with God and the fellowship of others, an extension of an already solid church membership (at ACC or any other church) or to hang with some adults for a while while the kids play.  Remember that play is not just for the kids, we were young once too.  

EVERYONE is invited to Messy Church; kids, grand parents, parents, friends, neighbors, aunts, uncles, cousins, church goers, non church goers, members of other faiths, members of other churches, nieces, nephews, those without faith, those with grown children, those with no children.  You like crafting or cooking?  You like being with/have kids? You are welcome here.

I will post ideas, thoughts, schedules and such. 

Life is messy, lets be messy together!