Let down your net

John 21:4-14

Talking about the churning boiling waves got me thinking...  What happens when we let the waves keep rolling over us, how does it feel?  It feels awful.  It feels lonely.  It feels like it is never going to end.

We're not alone though, and we will get what we need.

Sitting in a boat all night, trying to catch enough fish for them all to eat.  Knowing there is not enough and you keep trying, you get depressed about yourself and your life.  You feel pretty worthless and pitiful.  As a parent that has had that feeling, I can tell you that it's horrible.

Jesus told them what to do.  "Cast your nets on the right side of the ship."

He knew what they needed and He provided.  I have no doubt many prayers had gone up that night, and they were heard.  They were not just heard, but there were some extras thrown in - bread and a fire.  Ta-da, meal time!

Not all prayers are heard and acted on in such an obvious way.  Sometimes...for me at least...it takes a while to hear the answer to the prayer and see how it happened, and usually it's not the answer I thought I needed!  Looking back, I see there were extras thrown in or the answer (the one that I wasn't expecting/hoping for) was even BETTER than what I thought I wanted/needed.

I don't see Jesus standing on the beach waiting for me, or hear an obvious voice tell me what to do.  But I do feel Him around me when I pray, and when I see the realization of the prayer.  Do I feel Him in the between?  I'm not gonna lie....sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Do I know He's there even when I don't feel Him? Yes.  I know that I am not left alone.  I hope I act like Peter when I realize Jesus is there.  I hope I jump into the sea to get to Him as quickly as possible but I tell you, I don't always - like flossing..not near as often as I should.

I still have to remember to have faith, to remember that I'm not alone, to remember I will have what I need.  At the end of it, He is all I need, He will provide, He is with me.

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