Blessings Jar

I absolutely LOVE this idea!!!!
I saw this on Facebook and had to lift it...

Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen. on New Years Eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year.

S'more Bars...



find out how.

Planter - Candle holder

Don't throw that away!!!!

Snagged this from Facebook, what a great idea!  And if you line the clothes pins up before you clip them to the can, you could draw or paint a small picture or paint to match your decor or

I'm gonna have to eat more tuna...  and find a site that tells you how to get the smell out of the can, or my cat will go CRAZY!

Let down your net

John 21:4-14

Talking about the churning boiling waves got me thinking...  What happens when we let the waves keep rolling over us, how does it feel?  It feels awful.  It feels lonely.  It feels like it is never going to end.

We're not alone though, and we will get what we need.

Sitting in a boat all night, trying to catch enough fish for them all to eat.  Knowing there is not enough and you keep trying, you get depressed about yourself and your life.  You feel pretty worthless and pitiful.  As a parent that has had that feeling, I can tell you that it's horrible.

Jesus told them what to do.  "Cast your nets on the right side of the ship."

He knew what they needed and He provided.  I have no doubt many prayers had gone up that night, and they were heard.  They were not just heard, but there were some extras thrown in - bread and a fire.  Ta-da, meal time!

Not all prayers are heard and acted on in such an obvious way.  Sometimes...for me at takes a while to hear the answer to the prayer and see how it happened, and usually it's not the answer I thought I needed!  Looking back, I see there were extras thrown in or the answer (the one that I wasn't expecting/hoping for) was even BETTER than what I thought I wanted/needed.

I don't see Jesus standing on the beach waiting for me, or hear an obvious voice tell me what to do.  But I do feel Him around me when I pray, and when I see the realization of the prayer.  Do I feel Him in the between?  I'm not gonna lie....sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Do I know He's there even when I don't feel Him? Yes.  I know that I am not left alone.  I hope I act like Peter when I realize Jesus is there.  I hope I jump into the sea to get to Him as quickly as possible but I tell you, I don't always - like flossing..not near as often as I should.

I still have to remember to have faith, to remember that I'm not alone, to remember I will have what I need.  At the end of it, He is all I need, He will provide, He is with me.

Pretty "Pallets"

What a great idea!

I love this!  Of course, I like the shabby chic... This could be painted to match ANY room... Love the ideas here!

Caramel coffee ice cream sandwich cookies

Summer is almost over.  (yeah, tell that to the weatherman!)

Ice cream cookie sandwiches aren't just for the kiddos..

I think the one with rainbow sprinkles has caramel on it...imagine some with Nutella or Fudge sauce!

Check out one of my favorite websites for the recipe!

I'm sure non-coffee ice cream would work too..   ;-)

Fondant Sea Shells

Fondant seashells are easy to make and make great cake decorations. With simple tools and a little creativity you can make realistic looking seashells from fondant or gum paste. They are tasty, sweet and can be made and dried for storage weeks ahead of time.

How awesome are these??!! 

I want to try them for the cookie/cake this month!  Clay would be fun to use too, but don't eat those!

How fun would it be to make this cookie?!?!  Even as a cake...or cupcakes..hmmmm..... er....yuuummmmm! 

Go here to find out the deets!

Sea To Shining Sea!

In the first Messy Church Book, Unit 15 describes the background to Bible Seasides as:

"In the Bible, the uncontrollable nature of the sea is traditionally associated with the powers of chaos and evil and the symbolism of moving through chaos into order.  This is evident right from the very beginning of time, when God created everything out of the chaos of and earth that was 'barren, with no form of life...  under a roaring ocean covered with darkness ' (Genesis 1:1-2).  Again, in Exodus we find order rising out of chaos as Moses leads the Israelite out of Egypt, through the Red Sea and into the promised land (Exodus 13:17-14:30)."

I don't know about you but the words used are very visually powerful.  I can identify with life being full of chaos and calm, like a sea. 

I can imagine chaos crashing like giant waves, all around feeling like there is no end in sight.

I can think of "everyday" as a sea with little waves moving you along.

The calm sea is frightening to me, nothing in nature should be that still.

I like surfer waves:

These waves can be "tamed".  They can be scary but if you have the knowledge and the physical stamina you can enjoy the ups and downs.  You can feel the pattern and life of the wave, making order out of chaos.

The sea is amazing.  There are places of the oceans that no human as seen.  Animals that we haven't found yet.  Creatures that could not survive outside of cold waters, and some that would not survive if they left warm waters.  Some marine life thrives on waters that are almost boiling and full of toxins.  

We are like those animals.  We thrive in certain environments and some we are there simply because that's where we were born.  We are made to be different, but can have similar situations.  

You might not like the surfer waves.  You might like the rolling crashing thunderous waves.  Or that's just where you are.

I'll say it again, the sea is amazing.  Creatures can be amazing.  Creatures work better in an ecosystem, an ecosystem that lets other beautiful creatures coexist with one another like a coral reef.  

You are welcome here.